SOMA is known for its kindness!
Here are some suggestions if you’re ready to up your game!
- Donate to the YMCA in honor of someone.
- Buy extra food when you are out and donate to a local food pantry.
- Bake for a friend.
- Email or write to a former teacher who made a difference in your life.
- Set an alarm on your phone to go off at three different times during the day. In those moments, do something kind for someone else.
- Send someone you know flowers.
- Add a positive note to anything you give away on Buy Nothing.
- Keep an extra eye out for pedestrians waiting to cross.
- Smile at a stranger.
- Give blood.
- Write a kind message on your mirror with a dry erase marker for yourself, your significant other or a family member.
- Call a friend you haven’t spoken to recently.
- Be honest on social media.
- Listen hard.
- Buy pet food for a local animal rescue.
- Thank a teacher.
- Let someone go first in a line before you.
- Phone a friend.
- Understand they are tired too.
- Take a photo of your kids, send to someone they love.
- Say “Hello” when you walk past someone.
- Explain patiently to your kids even if you are tired.
- Speak up when you normally wouldn’t.
- Forgive someone.
- Tip as generously as you can afford.
- Write your kids, partner or another family member a list of things you love about them.
- Give someone a hug and tell them you love them.
- Don’t spread those rumors; challenge them.
- Write a letter.
- Write a gratitude list in the morning and again in the evening.
- Don’t send that annoyed email.
- Wash up, or load the dishwasher.
- Send a gratitude email to a coworker who deserves more recognition.
- Pick up litter.
- Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it.
- Say “Have a nice day” and mean it.
- Write a positive comment on your favorite blog, website, or a friend’s social media account.
- Put 50 paper hearts in a box. On each cutout write something that is special about your partner or a friend. Give them the box and tell them to pull out a heart anytime they need a pick-me-up.
- Plant a tree or a flower.
- Compliment the first three people you talk to today.
- Put your phone away while in the company of others.
- Send a positive text message to five different people right now.
- Practice self-kindness and spend 30 minutes doing something you love today.
- Post inspirational sticky notes around your neighborhood.
- Have a LinkedIn account? Write a recommendation for coworker or connection.
- Leave quarters at the laundromat.
- Encounter someone in customer service who is especially kind? Take an extra five minutes to tell their manager.
- Leave unused coupons next to corresponding products in the grocery store.
- Try to make sure every person in a group conversation feels included.
- When you hear that discouraging voice in your head, tell yourself something positive — you deserve kindness too!
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